Datasets are full - Snapshot Tasks


I thought everything was resolved and running smoothly. But the snapshot tasks have now filled my “pool” to 90% capacity. Without snapshots, it stands at 60%, as Nextcloud reserves 1TB of data because I specified that much cloud storage during installation. Somehow, Nextcloud system also takes up 100GB. I have no idea why so much… but never mind.

Now I have created new tasks to prevent everything from getting too full. First, I created a replication task, which then automatically generates snapshot tasks. I set it to run once a month and retain the snapshots for one year. Everything is nicely written to my external drive.

I also have another task that creates snapshots every day but only keeps them for a month. These are not written to an external drive and remain in the pool.

Now I have the following questions:

  1. Why is my external disk’s replication folder still full with hundreds of GB, even though I deleted ALL snapshots? Shouldn’t that be down to 0GB? Or is it this initial backup (silly term, I don’t know what else to call it) on which all snapshots are then built? And can I only delete snapshots that are already based on the initial backup through the snapshot management?

  2. Why can I only view temperature and disk I/O in the reporting? Wasn’t there a view where I could see how much storage is used and was used? Or am I mistaken? On the homepage overview, there is even a link “View Disk Space Report”. But then I click and see nothing regarding disk space report in the reporting…

  3. Does this all make sense the way I have set it up? Or do you have any suggestions for improvement? Of course, this is not a backup, and I create backups differently.

Thank you and best regards!

Replication is based on snapshots.

You can either replicate all snapshots - so the replica has all the old versions just like the original, or you can replicate the most recent x snapshots (which will use less space).

Your snapshot retention policy and your replication policies will impact the amount of space you use. The shorter your retention policy, the more disk space will be freed up when old snapshots are deleted. So my advice is to think carefully about just how many snapshot copies you want to retain and for how long.

Yes - I can’t find any disk space history graphs either either in the TN UI Reports or in the native Netdata reports. But indeed there is a link:
Storage page - Pool usage widget

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Yes, but I already mentioned that this link is not working. I click on it and see just I/O and temp of my nvme ssds…

Yes - I am providing confirmation that I have the exact bug you are reporting. It’s not just a glitch on your installation.

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Ok and anyone know the answer of my question #1? Why there is still space used on my external backup drive even when I deleted all snapshots?