Debug File Content


what content to the Debug Files have that are sometimes requested by ixSystems? I know that I could check this by my own, but as the archive contains a very huge number of files, I would like to double-check with you is there is any sensitive information contained.

Does the debug file contain anything like keys, passwords or informationa bout the stored data beside the dataset names?

Anything to worry about?

Thanks a lot in advance,


There is some information available from these links. The short answer is yes, debug files can contain sensitive information, though we do not collect specific information about your stored data. For this reason, we provide a private file upload service in Jira, that is only accessible by TrueNAS developers (and protected by our data privacy policies). If a user ignores the private upload service and attaches a debug directly to the bug ticket, the entire issue is marked as private so that members of the public cannot access the file.