I’m still very new to truenas scale, I deleted a child dataset, now I can’t move the files to another dataset,
Ive still have acces to the files in my share but no permissions
Is there any way to move files from a top level dataset to a child?
thanks in advance
What’s going on exactly?
What did you actually delete?
Im a noob really and i deleted a child dataset and now all my files are in the top level dataset
i still view my files in my share but cannot copy them because off the permissions
Let’s start from the beginning.
You created a pool.
This pool automatically starts with a single “root dataset” (with the same name as the pool itself.)
You created an SMB Share for the root dataset… and saved files here?
Then you created a child dataset…which is empty and never had any files saved to it… and then deleted that?
And now you want to… create a new child dataset… and move all the files from the root dataset to the new child?
Are you implying you lost some files when you destroyed the first child dataset?