Deleted /var/log/app_lifecycle.log

I have deleted /var/log/app_lifecycle.log and recreated it. Now there are no more new entries. Tried to recreate with root and truenas_admin
What do I have to do so that it works correctly again and I get app logs?

I suspect this is an EE file because I don’t have one on my system, but judging by other files I would guess that you probably want to do a sudo chown root:adm app_lifecycle.log.

You don’t have anything to lose since it isn’t working at present, so give it a go.

(If someone else who is running EE can do ls -l /var/log/app_lifecycle.log so we can get a definitive user and group that would be helpful.)

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-rw-r----- 1 root root 456 Nov 17 23:21 /var/log/app_lifecycle.log
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-rw-r----- 1 root root 456 Nov 24 10:10 /var/log/app_lifecycle.log

Now i got this entry in the Log

What commands did you execute?
Did you perchance use AI?

chmod 640 /var/log/app_lifecycle.log
chown root:root /var/log/app_lifecycle.log

i think in know nos why i got the Log Output.
Chatgpt told me to use
truncate -s 456 /var/log/app_lifecycle.log
Know i know that the number 456 stand for the File size.

But even with the correct User and group i get No entrys of My docker apps.

Yeah figured out you were using AI with that nonsense result.

Please don’t blindly paste commands from chatgpt.

That file doesn’t contain docker application logs in the first place. You want container logs? Use the “view logs” button in the Web UI or use docker logs <container id or name>.

But it would help a lot if you would tell us what you’re actually trying to achieve…

Please don’t blindly paste commands from people like me suggesting them here. If you get suggestions here you need to check them using e.g. man to confirm that they seem to be correct. It is your system and whatever issues you currently have you do not want to do the wrong thing and make them worse.

Anything you need to run as root can potentially trash your system, so you have to get them exactly right - and sometimes flags like -n and -N can have seriously different consequences.

Anecdote warning: My brother-in-law is a lawyer - but my history of his informal legal comments to my sister and aunt and myself has been littered with bad and incorrect advice that even I can immediately spot and disprove with minimal google searching. But when my sister said recently that his advice was based on “chat-gpt” I knew that his lack of expertise was way worse than I ever thought.