Gitea is deployed on my Truenas Scale Dragonfish-24.04.2. Gitea has a relatively new feature called Act Runner allowing running building pipelines.
I am trying to deploy a runner as custom app using the rootless configuration described in act_runner/rootless-docker.yaml at main - act_runner - Gitea: Git with a cup of tea.
The current config in the Custom app is:
Container Images
Docker Image: docker.io/gitea/act_runner
Image Tag: latest-dind-rootless
Container Environment Variables
GITEA_INSTANCE_URL: http://:30008
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://localhost:2376
Security Context
Privileged Mode: selected
other setting remained with default value.
When running the container, log shows 2 errors:
Error: cannot ping the docker daemon, is it running? Error response from daemon: Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.
Error: cannot ping the docker daemon, is it running? error during connect: Get "http://localhost:2376/_ping": read tcp [::1]:57422->[::1]:2376: read: connection reset by peer
How to solve it?
What is a correct configuration?