Determine why NIC labeled "in use"

Hi all,
Trying to find a way to determine why specific port on Quad card is labeled “currently in use”

[freenas] network interface> create name=bond0 type=LINK_AGGREGATION lag_protocol=LACP lag_ports=enp2s0f3,enp2s0f1
Validation errors:

  • interface_create.lag_ports.0: Interface enp2s0f3 is currently in use

It is not member of any bridge (BTW I can add it to bridges - it is listed)
Does not belong to to any VM

[freenas] network interface> choices
| enp10s0 | enp10s0 |
| enp2s0f1 | enp2s0f1 |
| enp2s0f3 | enp2s0f3 |
| br2 | br2 |
| br0 | br0 |

get_instance enp2s0f3
| id | enp2s0f3 |
| name | enp2s0f3 |
| fake | false |
| type | PHYSICAL |
| state | |
| aliases | |
| ipv4_dhcp | false |
| ipv6_auto | false |
| description | |
| mtu | 1500 |

Answering my own question -
deleting the interface worked

[freenas] network interface> delete enp2s0f3