Hi all,
I am running TrueNAS and exporting some shares via SMB. By accessing those shares from Windows Clients, all works as expected. However, mounting the shares into Ubuntu results in all files and folder being read only.
someuser@myhost:~$ ls -l /mnt/truenas/Bilder/
total 3953
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 27 03:33 2000
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 27 03:33 2002
If unix extensions arenât in use (they havenât been fully integrated into samba 4.20) then you should mount with noperm. This stops the kernel client from trying to ram Windows permissions into a less rich permissions model.
So I tried with ânopermâ, but my xubuntu does not recognize this option and it is not listed on the man page either.
adding the uid and/or the uid and gid to the command still mounts the nas as read-only
my command looks like this:
sudo mount -t cifs -o uid=3000,gid=3000,credentials=/home/candahar/nas-credentials.txt //someIPhere/Bilder /mnt/truenas/Bilder
access rights show up as following:
someuser@jumphost:/mnt/truenas$ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 3000 3000 0 Feb 1 10:26 Bilder
someuser@jumphost:/mnt/truenas/Bilder$ ls -l
total 3953
drwxr-xr-x 2 3000 3000 0 Jan 27 03:33 MyFolder
perm Client does permission checks (vfs_permission check of uid and gid of the file against the mode and desired operation),
Note that this is in addition to the normal ACL check on the target machine done by the server software. Client permisâ
sion checking is enabled by default.
noperm Client does not do permission checks. This can expose files on this mount to access by other users on the local client
system. It is typically only needed when the server supports the CIFS Unix Extensions but the UIDs/GIDs on the client
and server system do not match closely enough to allow access by the user doing the mount. Note that this does not afâ
fect the normal ACL check on the target machine done by the server software (of the server ACL against the user name
provided at mount time).
from mount.cifs manpage. Unless unix extensions are enabled you should generally ignore the POSIX mode bits the client shows.