We not see apps created from portainer or tools like this (these tools are massively used on truenas scale)
For complex configurations, tools like portainer allow better management, I find it a shame not to display the stacks directly on the Truenas interface
It allow users to see custom docker stacks created from some tools like portainer or just with a simple docker-compose.yaml file.
The only thing to do would be to edit a very simple configuration file.
There is no negative point because if the user does not need the functionality, he just has to not modify the configuration file and the behavior will remain the same as without this functionality
User Story
Currently truenas only lists stacks that come from truenas (projects that start with ix-…). An easy to implement method would list any stack.
In the list of apps it would be enough to add the stacks which are referenced in a file (eg: /mnt/.ix-apps/external_apps.yaml)
It would also be necessary to hide the delete and modify buttons from the Truenas interface for these stacks
Example of file formatting (to match current configuration files and facilitate development):
description: Description of the project #optional
home: #optional
icon: https://iconurl.png #optional
name: Displayed name of project
sources: #optional
notes: 'Custom note' #optional
template: path of the docker-compose.yaml file
portals: #optional
Name Of Portal (eg: Web UI): https://webui.local/
Volumes mounted need to have same path in your container and in the host (if you use portainer or dockge apps for exemple), this feature remains a feature for experienced users