Updated the test VM with Nightly build EE…
No more kub not installed error…
could prepare pool for apps, this is new
went to shell ran sudo -i then docker… its alive
did a manual compose of flarersolverr it ran…
did a reboot and the app insta restarted itself
BETA coming in 20 days, all good signs (at least the schedule says this)
****Do not use the Nightly build as a live environment
Hah, first thing that happened to me, tried to create a custom app, got error:
[ENOENT] Unable to locate ‘ix-chart’ at ‘/mnt/.ix-apps/truenas_catalog/trains/charts/ix-chart’
Looking in that directory, well, there isn’t one. Under /mnt/.ix-apps/truenas_catalog/trains is only:
drwxr-xr-x 59 root root 59 Aug 9 15:26 community
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 14 Aug 9 15:26 stable
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4 Aug 9 15:26 test
It isn’t going to work until we at least declare it and demo it…
Progress is being made, but wait for the starting gun, or you’ll be disqualified from the Olympics.
I understand, just responding to the OP. Did not want readers to think it was all done and perfect!
I was able to setup root ssh keypair and log in, that works as before of course. Created some pools and datasets, that worked fine. I’d imagine that’s the sort of stuff with few changes though.
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You can make a custom app… just not with the custom app button…
just head to the shell and docker compose
plex and tautulli ready to go pasted below just fill out remarked out lines
- Step one bring below code into VS code just so it is easy to edit and see
- lines with # should be filled out User and group ID, paths to where you store things etc and your GPU if you need one
- create your datasets and set permission based on your compose
- at command line elevate to sudo “sudo -i”
- at cmd line navigate to directory to store the compose file
- at cmd line “touch compose.yaml” create compose file
- at cmd line “nano compose.yaml” copy in the code save exit
- at cmd line “chmod 600 compose.yaml” make it readable
- at cmd line “docker compose up -d” watch plex and tautulli launch
- there is no step 10
container_name: plex
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/plex:
hostname: plex
- 32400:32400
restart: unless-stopped
runtime: nvidia
#- PUID=568
#- PGID=568
#- TZ=America/Chicago
- VERSION=docker
#- NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=enter device id or all
#- /PathOnHostForConfigAndDatabase:/config
#- /PathOnHostForMedia:/mnt/storage
#- /PathOnHostForTranscode:/tmptranscode
container_name: tautulli
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/tautulli:v2.14.3-ls148
hostname: tautulli
- 8181:8181
restart: unless-stopped
#- PUID=568
#- PGID=568
#- TZ=America/Chicago
#- /PathOnHostForConfig:/config
****DO NOT USE EE Nightly for production for testing only
The purpose of this post is just to notify that docker is in the builds and if anyone wants to LEARN docker compose from the command line in a truenas environment, now would be the time to learn it in a VM test non live environment. For the purpose of personal education, to prepare oneself the beginning of Q4 launch of EE…
Remember they told us they would have their catalogue but also docker compose, they never promised us a docker compose GUI, or even a custom app docker compose button… We may just get docker compose from the shell which means if you want a gui best learn to install one yourself from the shell with Dockge or Portainer.
Yes, I know how to use compose. The “gui” will be the custom app screen. It translates very well to docker. I believe it will still be there. We’ll see. I believe I saw in a post they were keeping it, could be wrong.