Docker not starting

update to .2 and docker images would not start or docker would not start. tried everything I could. Finally found this command from another user from rc1 and it fixed my docker problem. Sorry I dont remember the user, But thank you very much

midclt call -job docker.update '{"address_pools": [{"base": "", "size": 24}]}'

Just past into your shell and run, reboot and good to go…

I’m not sure if it’s related, but after a reboot my custom apps showed as “crashed” and I needed to start them manually. Managed to reproduce this twice, raised NAS-132389 on it.

Not sure. I did have 2 of my apps crashed on first boot, rebooted and docker would not start. I tried a few times and either docker would start with some crashed apps or not start at all. Running the shell script seems to have fixed it all. I have noticed that my apps seem to start and run much faster as well. All issue seem to be gone.