Dockerfiles have their seperate path. Because of that Rsync doenst work, also no Datausage in the WebUI

This one appears to be what I was hoping would work, but apparently it passes UI checks but rsync isn’t liking it

Error: rsync: [sender] change_dir "/mnt/nvme/ix-apps" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1338) [sender=3.2.7]

I guess because it’s not mounted anywhere outside of /mnt/.ix-apps

root@truenas[~]# zfs mount | grep /mnt/nvme
nvme                            /mnt/nvme
nvme/VM                         /mnt/nvme/VM

and the validation explicitly requires the path starts with /mnt/<pool>

Are you able to reopen the ticket seeing as it’s been closed? Or should I raise another one and try to explain in a bit more depth?

No worries, I’ve raised another one: NAS-133923


Ive read your two bugreports, thank you for them.
To say “its a design choice” is just… stupid.
I get why you wanna keep user-error out of a new yet introduced system but this is just… plain stupid and unnecessary.
I thought TrueNas is meant to give the user Control over their data…
And docker became an important part of hosting.
I really really hope they mount the ix-apps the right way in the future.
The way they tried to hide the mount point has a very unpleasant flavor.

What the Hell… Its by deisgn that you cant backup your stuff… Great choice…
Its just a path that needs to get mounted diffrently…
Lets hope the “future release” comes before my drives fail.

You can - and should - configure host paths for all data used by your applications.

You can then snapshot and replicate these.

Why is everyone obsessed about rsync? ZFS replication is in every conceivable way superior. That does of course not change the problem with the special dataset that started this thread. But using host paths does.

Because it would solve just a small part of the problem.

  1. In that case you only backup your data but not the configuration
  2. What to do with Dockercontainers not seen by truenas?

My e.g. home assistant app also has the entire configuration in a host path dataset. I can completely nuke it, reinstall, and will be right where I was before.

Only thing to recreate is the host path assignments …

I must be misunderstanding something.

The dataset is mounted at /mnt/.ix-apps, that is the actual location in the file system.

If you attempt to access the data where it “would” be in the pool, if it were not explicitly mounted somewhere else, there will be nothing.

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Absolutely (and I do) - however, the ix managed datasets are something incredibly easy for a user (think someone using TrueNAS who may migrate to HexOS in the future) who simply wants to run an application like plex without specific configuration overhead. The fact that rsync and cloud sync tasks cannot use the ix-apps dataset as a target is absurd to me.

Someone might not necessarily want to replicate to another ZFS filesystem, so rsync in these cases is an excellent alternative. Even so, cloud sync tasks suffer from the same…

ix-apps can be set as the target for replication tasks:

root@truenas[~]# zfs list data/nvme_backup -r -d 1
NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
data/nvme_backup          93.0G  55.9T   104K  /mnt/data/nvme_backup
data/nvme_backup/VM       61.3G  55.9T    96K  /mnt/data/nvme_backup/VM
data/nvme_backup/ix-apps  31.7G  55.9T   140K  /mnt/data/nvme_backup/ix-apps

I raised the ticket(s) as it seemed very unusual to not allow this functionality (to the point I believed it to be a regression from 24.04->24.10), though don’t make use of it myself, the only limit here seems to be the validation check failing. However just to check I did boot into a 24.04 environment to find it’s explicitly disallowed there too, even though it’s mounted inside of /mnt/tank!