Does my disc sutable with TrueNAS?


I use v. long build “FreeNAS-9.10.2-U6 (561f0d7a1)” and I would “jump” my nas to TrueNAS. I don’t want to use the FreeNas update procedure. It doesn’t work for me (i tried update a new FreeNas without success).

Q1. Can I simply install TrueNAS on the new HDD and then should I connect my 2x WD HDD (mirrired) from actual FreeNAS (ZFS) ? Will it work or should i do something more ?

Q2. On the actual nasdisc I have also four volumes for jails (gogs, owncloud). Does FreeNas volume also valid in TreuNas?


It should. Import the pool, and anything on it should be there. I’m not sure about jails, though–their data would be there, but I’m not 100% sure whether they’d be detected and run. Of course you’d need to use CORE if you wanted to have any hope of using the jails, but be aware that CORE is very close to EOL.

Thank you for confirmation.

Could you expand a bit what you have in mind ? “Use CORE, close to EOL” ? Or what manual should it read about ?

After years of deliberate vagueness, equivocation, and (IMO) no small amount of outright dishonesty[1], iX have finally admitted what many of us suspected for quite some time, which is that they’re killing CORE. There will be no CORE 14, nor any other future releases of CORE, except for (possibly) what’s needed to address security vulnerabilities.

iX has been recommending for years that new deployments use SCALE, and that existing deployments plan to migrate to SCALE. They’ve more recently said that the next release of SCALE will mark the end of CORE:

However, jails are a FreeBSD thing. If you want or need your jails to start up and run, you’ll need to install CORE, and then plan to migrate to SCALE ASAP.

OTOH, the data in your jails and their software is still on your pool. If all you need is that data, I’d recommend just making the move to SCALE. See also:

  1. Specifically, when SCALE was first announced, they repeatedly and explicitly promised that this wouldn’t take away from CORE, CORE development would continue uninterrupted, etc. It’s since become clear this was false, and it’s very hard to believe they ever thought otherwise. ↩︎

As long as you are not using encryption.

Ok guys, i understood what you have in mind, so what is the TrueNas CORE (this will be my next target) and what is the TrueNas SCALE (this would be potential second step or me after the CORE).
I’m also reading “helpful links” you are sharing on the bottom part of post.

In regards to the used encryption, If i have “enabled” I dont know. I cann’t find any option in “storage” or “pool” ).

CORE is the direct successor of FreeNAS, running on FreeBSD.
SCALE is the same middleware, running on Linux (Debian).