Download link not working

The download link is not working

Works here is the link from the truenas website which also works for me.

This isn’t working.
Still getting issue maybe you guys are blocking South African IP’s Please see below screen.

Can you resolve the domain address?

I know the downloads are served over a CDN, and it seems likely that issues in connection with that are what’s going on. I’d expect @kris or @Captain_Morgan to be able to address what’s going on.

I have both core and scale isos saved on my nextcloud. If you want i can pm you a download link.

This is our CDN, can you ping the site and let us know what it resolves to?

So I found the issue, the issue seems to be at SEACOM which is our fibre provider over here in South Africa. At home I was able to download the ISO no problem anyone have a external link I can use to download it since at work I have faster internet.

Please share link please

So I’ve managed to install TrueNAS now but issue is now it doesn’t want to resolve update server. Not sure why or what is going on. Somewhere routing is messed up.

You may need to check with your provider. It looks like they are blocking Some places did that to our Storj CDN last year by mistake, but unblocked it when asked.

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I’ve send them a email now lets see what these noobs say.

So i recon my download link worked? :thinking:

Yes it did thanks you so much

But the isue is now can’t check updates or install plugins so kinda useless… lol

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Greetings everyone, Dominick with here, we host the TrueNas Images. If are experiencing issues with the downloads please run an MTR to . This is the best way to help us troubleshoot any routing issues.

Feel free to post in this thread or DM me.

How to

Sample from my lab

smalllab ( -> ( 2024-09-26T14:34:11+0000
Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit
                                                       Packets               Pings
 Host                                                Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. (waiting for reply)
 2.                                     0.0%    28    0.4   0.6   0.4   3.1   0.7
 3.                                       0.0%    28    3.0   4.1   0.9  37.5   9.1
 4.                                        0.0%    28    1.1   6.1   0.9  55.7  11.7
 5.         0.0%    27    1.0   1.1   0.9   1.5   0.2
 6.               0.0%    27    0.9   1.0   0.8   3.6   0.5
 7.              96.2%    27    1.3   1.3   1.3   1.3   0.0
 8.                                   0.0%    27    1.6   1.6   1.5   1.9   0.1
 9.                    0.0%    27    2.1   1.7   1.6   2.3   0.1
10.                                        0.0%    27    1.7   1.7   1.6   2.0   0.1
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Confirming that @Dominick_Storj is indeed from Storj and thank you for the assist on this! We’ll get this figured out quickly for you @Jan_Muller once we have this data.

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Seems like SEACOM DNS servers are either blocking IP or there DNS is not fully updated.

Looks like SEACOM has no route. Could you send us the IP you are testing from?