Drives sound like they're constantly "spinning up"

One of the drives in my TrueNAS SCALE box is making a sound kind of reminiscent of a drive spinning up really fast, then slowing back down, every couple of seconds. I’ve recorded a clip here. SMART doesn’t show problems for any of my drives, is it failing?

smartctl data not showing an increase in power ups ?

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Drives model? Do you spin down them? Output after a long smart test?

The noise sounds like a fan bearing failing, not a drive issue, however I’m not there. If it were a drive, do you by chance have an SMR drive that is periodically optimizing?

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I’ve had a drive do this. In my case it was almost like the drive couldn’t get to full speed and was re-spinning up

I’d pull the drive, power outside the system, and if it kept on doing it, RMA it if under warranty

The disk reportedly stops making the sound, then starts again for a while. Sorry for the late reply, I’m physically very far away from my server and the internet at the servers location periodically turns off for a long time so I’ve had trouble connecting remotely. I’ll try to get to all the probing questions while I can

I have 2 new drives with low power_cycle_counts, 5 and 8, and a couple old ones (around 2 years old, one was part of a desktop pc before the nas) at 1151 and 2723. One was bought specifically for the nas 2 years ago, so both being above 1000 is definitely very weird, but the numbers aren’t increasing (though this may just be because it happened to stop making the sound - I don’t have physical access and those that do are asleep, so I’ll report back)

I have 4 saegate drives, but I assume it’s one of my 4TB ones as they’re the oldest. ST4000DM004 and ST4000VN006. They’re set to “ALWAYS ON” and aren’t supposed to ever spin down. No issues after long tests on any of the drives.

I don’t think it’s a fan, but I’m not there either. None of the drives are SMR sound only started to happen recently.

I’ll try to identify which drive it is and give that a shot.

Turns out it WAS the fan, thank you for bringing that up! The CPU fan keeps making that sound and stopping, then restarting. For now it’s been stopped with a piece of non-conductive tape to prevent it from spinning, and the temps are hovering around 75 ºC at 100% usage, so I think it’ll be good without the fan for a while (it’s a small N5105 CPU). Guess I’ll see if I can go about replacing it.

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Yes, the cpu fan must run at at minimum speed or many boards will stop and try to restart the fan.

Glad I could help.

Edit: you should unplug the fan, do not stop it this was. It is putting a strain on your power circuits and could cause a failure. Just saying…

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