The current problem is that we are either locked into the default apps deployment (and their disparities); or, you must roll your own fully Custom App.
Users no longer have to create a full Custom App, when just wanting to tweak a single line of the compose script.
Disadvantage is the template is no longer a fully-supported App, and the end-user is responsible for it.
User Story
Simply this empowers newcomers and less Docker-friendly people the ability to “Edit” an existing app to tweak a port number, missing UID/GID, or just change the inter-networking, etc.
…instead of to spin up a whole new Custom App version.
Implementation should be straightforward:
- Add an EDIT button next to INSTALL for built in apps
- Edit Button would take the current App’s compose, and pre-populate the Custom App YAML option (for this rev 1).
- User ends up deploying a Custom App in the end… however, it’s greatly simplified.
Right now, not a lot of built in 24.10 EE apps have a link to their Compose source in the truenas charts. so it makes finding these apps compose setups, difficult for newcomers.
With ArchLinux’s AUR (their unofficial/community package repo), there’s a very intuitive and neat feature where you “Edit” the install script before it builds the packages. You can tweak anything in the deployment script.