Editing hostpath on community charts, e.g. immich and paperless

My paperless-ngx setup is not allowing me to upgrade because it says one of the hostpaths is not present.
But I cannot find a way to view, let alone change its hostpath configuration:

Exact same situation with Immich.
Only additional storage can be edited after the fact.

I cannot even change any other config option, because the hostpath value is missing and I cannot add it:

# Updating
[EINVAL] values.paperlessStorage.data.hostPathConfig.hostPath: attribute required
[EINVAL] values.paperlessStorage.media.hostPathConfig.hostPath: attribute required
[EINVAL] values.paperlessStorage.consume.hostPathConfig.hostPath: attribute required

On the other hand, full charts like photoprism allow editing of everything at any time:

See also https://forums.truenas.com/t/version-of-paperless-ngx-in-truenas-or-truecharts/39741

Just clarifying, are you talking about TrueChart apps having issues or TrueNAS community apps?
If TrueCharts, they do not work because TrueCharts pulled their catalog. There are many posts on this here and at redit.

TrueNAS Community chart, yes I was very deliberate in checking that.
It is not about the chart not working either, it is working well but not being able to change a config is quite annoying.

If still having this issue, open an issue ticket using the link on the top banner. Wait to upload the debug using the link the confirmation email sends. If there is some issue with this particular app, it could be the app and not TrueNAS but our engineering department can verify what is going on with this.

As I said, it is not a particular app issue - it is a general configuration issue in TrueNAS Community Charts.

Yes, TC pulled their catalog. No, this doesn’t affect functioning of the apps that are already installed, including editing them.