When you install an app in EEL, there is a checkbox labeled “Host Network”. Next to it is a ?. If you click the ? it prints out “Bind to the host network. It’s recommended to keep this disabled.” What exactly does this “Host Network” checkbox do and why is it recommended to keep it disabled?
The checkbox does just that, it binds the application to the host network instead of using the docker network with a bridge to the host. In other words, binding an application to the host network allows it to “piggyback” on the host’s network configuration, using the same IP addresses and network settings as the host.
I cannot give an in depth answer as to why it is recommended to keep it disabled. Some apps do need to be bound to the host to work “properly”, like Tailscale for instance.
I am sure someone can give a much more in depth answer to your question.
Thanks, That is kinda what I anticipated it does. However, checking the box from what I see doesn’t give you and address on the host network and there is no way to assign it an address on the network. In docker you add the addresses via the yml file. There is no yml file from what I see in the apps install. Simply a checkbox…I must be missing something (besides a brain)…
There is no way currently to get a separate IP in your local network for apps. You would need to setup a custom yaml app if you would like to setup a static ip for an app.
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Thanks yet again for all you do STUX. I have been trying to figure out this for the last couple of days… Now I know I have been spinning my wheels. I am gonna vote this now.