Electric Eel - TrueCloud Backup Tasks issue

I just migrated my small homelab from CORE to SCALE with no major issues. Given I have no critical systems in play, I elected to use the Electric Eel release train with hopes of testing the new TrueCloud backups with an ixStorj account.

I have configured a TrueCloud (Storj) account with a backup task setup to push backups to their cloud. That is confirmed working on two different backup tasks and I can see my backup buckets in Storj. On TrueNAS SCALE, the backups run fine when I initiate them manually but they won’t run on any type of automated schedule. I have configured the jobs using the built-in “every day” setting and also setup a custom schedule to do the same but neither seem to make the job kick off. Trying to figure if I am missing an obvious setting or if there is something I need to report for EE. I was going to file a bug report but thought I would take a quick pulse check to see if there were any others having this same issue. Any thoughts/feedback would be appreciated.

Scheduling is a known issue on BETA.1 see NAS-130320 a fix has gone into the nightly build if you are in a position to take that, any build post 15-August. Fix will be in RC.1 (Issue navigator - iXsystems TrueNAS Jira)
This is included in the BETA.1 Known Issues in the release notes

Acknowledged and thank you. Sorry for missing the documented issue… was right under my nose :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work. You folks are doing great.

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As Sir Humphrey would say, using Electric Eel in production is very … um … courageous of you.


It hung for me the first time manually (stuck at 0%) and then it left a lock when I killed it, so I’m completely stuck.

Exactly. Running great for me in a VM for testing, but it isn’t going any further. Actually, am using the time to migrate and improve and test all my custom apps to docker compose yaml, and report bugs of course.