Erroneous temperature reporting, AMD K8

I have put together a system with an old Athlon 64 X2. Temperature reporting doesn’t seem to work properly (see screenshots). Typing “sensors” in the shell reports seemingly ok values. Anything I can do to solve this?

admin@truenas[~]$ sensors
Adapter: ACPI interface
temp1: +43.0°C

Adapter: PCI adapter
Core0 Temp: +49.0°C
Core1 Temp: +45.0°C

TrueNAS version: Dragonfish-
Motherboard: ECS MCP61PM-AM (from an ACER ase380 fd420a)
RAM: 4x2 Gb
CPU: Athlon 64 X2 4200+


Weird - if clearing cache does nothing consider submitting a bug report imo.

How do I clear the cache? I’m very new to TrueNAS.

naw I meant like clear cache on your web browser. But 80% chance that doesn’t’ work & it should be a bug ticket

That is an ancient board, are we sure TN even supports this reporting on that legacy hardware? Im suspecting you’ll have issues with nforce chipsets and ITE IT8726F sense chips.

In your opinion, is this worth a bug report? It’s definitely useable hardware and it’s adequate for my low-performance needs.

I doubt it mate. The user install base for nforce chipsets must be microscopic. I’d look at a custom or other app to do the job or use a thermocouple/probe and hardware separate from the mobo.