Experiment with Fangtooth

I would like to experiment with Fangtooth. MY EEL system has plenty of memory and drive space and I am thinking of setting Fangtooth up in a VM. What is the best way to do this? Memory size? Disk space? etc…

I guess it’d depend on how much you wanted to do with it. You’d want to give it a minimum of 8 GB of RAM, 2 cores, a 16 GB boot device, and I’d say at least one ~30 GB data drive. Adjust up from there as needed.

I want to play around with the new APPS environment. Nothing too serious. I would probably bump up the data drive so I can give APPS a bigger playhouse. Probably around 200-500gb.
Make sense?

Sure, and in that case you’d probably want more RAM too.

I finally got some cycles now that FT beta is out. I have a question. Installing in a VM is easy. Since the VM is segmented away from Truenas how do I give it some drive space for a pool?

You have a few options:

  • Create one or more virtual disks to use as pool drives, and make it/them available to the VM
  • Pass through one or more physical disks to the VM
  • Pass through a disk controller to the VM

The latter is the only recommended choice for use in production; for pure testing purposes the first is likely the most straightforward.

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Thanks it is up an running with one pool…

I spend a lot of time testing TrueNAS in VMs.

I would suggest 16GB of ram if you want to run TrueNAS in the TrueNAS vm :wink:

Or put another way, if you want to play with VMs in your VMs I’d suggest more than 8GB of ram.

I normally pre-create two sparse zvols, one for boot and 32GB, the other for the pool, I normally just give it 1TB.

Then just install to boot, and create a stripe pool on the other.

It’s a throwaway anyway.

And I have snapshots.