Failed to deploy a stack: file system

Hi all,

Back again, seem to have encountered a permissions issue I’m unsure how to sort out,

Specs if it helps:
Asus W680-Ace IPMI
32 GB ECC ram (on the QVL list)
64gb Optane - Boot Drive
1TB NVME - SN850x

What I have done so far is install Truenas Scale -, on my 64GB drive
I created a Pool out of the 1tb drive, just a single drive, this Dataset I named “Docker Containers”

the idea being that this drive is for any Apps,
within Truenas I selected the Apps option and choose the pool mentioned above “Docker Containers”, and then I installed Portainer on this drive.

All this set up easy enough but I’m encountering an issue when trying to Deploy anything from with-in Portainer

Eg trying to get Nginx installed, I try to specify the volume in the Editor:

- /Docker Containers/App_Data/Nginx/data:/data
- /Docker Containers/App_Data/Nginx/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt

but get met with the error “Failed to deploy a stack: compose up operation failed: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path ‘/Docker Containers/App_Data/Nginx/data:/data’: mkdir /Docker Containers: read-only file system”"

Does anyone know how I can remove the read only? or what setting I may have missed that allows me to write to the drive.
if I need to give more information please feel free to ask.

Thanks in advance


Well isnt this embarrassing, found the issue not long after posting this and have confirmed that was the issue:

The issue was not using “/mnt”

So instead of


  • /Docker Containers/App_Data/Nginx/data:/data
  • /Docker Containers/App_Data/Nginx/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt

I needed


  • /mnt/Docker Containers/App_Data/Nginx/data:/data
  • /mnt/Docker Containers/App_Data/Nginx/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt

Quick attempt at trying to defend myself lol,

I’m rather new to linux, only started using a Linux distro a few months ago in preparation of upgrading my nas to Truenas Scale, I had 0 knowledge of docker etc and just took a trial and error approach to getting containers working.

Up to now my container trials has all been done on the Linux OS I’ve been playing around with, which has been a single 250gb throw away ssd

What I hadn’t realised is that all my containers just been installing on it, I’ve never had to specify a volume, whatever was set as default has just worked up to now, I hadnt fully appreciated how* you specify a volume in Portainers Editor/YML file etc so completely missed those 3 little letters “/mnt”

Thanks again for taking the time to read this in an attempt to help,
