Fangtooth Unifies the TrueNAS Community Editions

My first time using a Mac ever, since July last year, and it’s whiiiiines hard. Keys are not where I expect them, Ctr-C is SIGINT but not Copy … I’ll live, but ye Gods, why relearn all this.

Because in corporate world I can’t use Ubuntu ofc, and I refuse to do Windows with WSL2, as nice as it is.

Gaming: I am told the Steam emulation for Windows games on Linux is quite good. I haven’t tried it yet. I may see how I feel with Ubuntu+Steam on the desktop, when I have it working again - maybe in summer.

And of course WSL2 means there is a Linux available on Windows, a decent one even. Takes some configuring - bridge mode, couple settings for RAM use and systemd &c - but it works well.

I feel we have thoroughly derailed this thread now. Further discussion of micro/macro hybrid kernels and the relative merits of geekery somewhere else, maybe? :sweat_smile:

Ctrl-C is what Ctrl-C is supposed to be on any Unix or Unix-ish OS.
As for shortcuts, the single special key in Apple world is Command. Not Control, that’s for Terminal. Not Option (Alt), or at least not without the combination with Command.
You’re “relearning” because Microsoft could not just do a plain copy of what Apple had defined but had to mess when reimplementing. Ctrl-C/X/V for copy/cut/paste but Alt-F4 (???) for Command-Q? WTF?

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Old timers have the rights to derail thread occasionally…

Getting back to the discussion on “unification”. The word was chosen because we expect Fangtooth to have the functionality to be the upgrade path for both CORE and SCALE users. CORE users will have a more complex upgrade, but we expect the same use cases can be supported.

I am interested in hearing of any specific functionality missing in the Fangtooth plans which are necessary to make that upgrade possible. If someone mentions a missing feature, please “heart it” if you too have that need.

GELI was discontinued in 12.0, but we understand there will be some old pools still to be “updated”.

Are there any FreeBSD apps that won’t run in Docker or LXC containers?

Help us compile the list.


Judging from the reddits, those users still on GELI may struggle with that. There’s expressed fear about decrypting GELI pools disk by disk, and talk of creating a fresh pool and send/receive over - which isn’t always very feasible.

Some hand-holding for the process of migration would help, I think.


From my understanding, the “in-place GELI removal” is fairly straightforward, but inherently perilous - similar to expanding a pool by replacing the drives one-at-a-time with larger models.

If you have an extra drive and drive bay, it’s less dangerous, as you never degrade the pool redundancy - but I understand not everyone has that option.

GELI users are at the very least a major and half TN release behind… expecting future releases to work with discontinued functionalities is hard to understand for me.

Isn’t GELI still working on existing pools, even on 13.3?

Still unlockable, and the pool can be imported.

Strictly speaking with the TrueNAS Core GUI and middleware, can’t create new GELI members or use native ZFS encryption within a GELI pool.

Officially I recall being made EOL in favour of native ZFS encryption around 12; they still working is not something that should be expected.

Yes, that’s correct. TN 12.0 turned off the ability to make new GELI pools, but did not disable any existing pools.

We decided to keep allowing them to operate and then retire naturally. The recommendation for new users is SEDs or ZFS encryption.

If you have a GELI pool then you are implicitly a greybeard…


Mandatory meme for CORE users…


Does that mean we’ll get three weird releases thirty years from now, the first of which is a bizarre assembly of ideas that do not fit together, the second one completely unrelated except for a thin veneer, and the final one a callback to the good old days undermined by a handful of poor decisions?


Windows still does not run as lean and there is so much telemetry that Windows pushes out, I would have stuck with Windows 7 had my software still functioned in it.

My Linux VMs, on the other hand, don’t phone home unless it’s me instigating package updates.

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The majority of users don’t care though (about Windows calling home). Btw TrueNas does too, without telling you, until you know where to go into settings and turn it off. Debian asks during install.

People who set up TrueNAS don’t let stuff like that slip past them. I do agree, majority of users don’t care, which is very unfortunate but I’m not talking about the majority in a thread like this.

Many/most of the people who setup TrueNAS at home dont really care about telemetry.
People who set it up for a small enterprise “might” care about it.
Professionals who set it up for a large enterprise “should” care about it (but we all know that the reality is a different one).

sniff After all these years…

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Wut? You’re saying people that don’t even bother to do research (besides 1 LTT video) and do unrecommended things until their pool fails and come here to cry and ask for help (there are a lot of them) actually care about these things? You haven’t really been around here long enough, have ya?

That being said, I actually leave the telemetry on my TrueNAS install enabled. The analytics help make the product better and it’s the least I could do to help them after letting me use a wonderful product for free.


Hmm, I wonder if AI tech support powered by docs and all forums posts (maybe even Discord posts) would be great idea :slight_smile:
I know that answering the same things again and again can be tiring so this sounds like perfect work for AI. You need to answer something only once and AI can then use your answer for all future questions.
Sorry for OT.

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