[feature reaquest] Buildroot in place of debian?

The idea to use buildroot linux os in place of general linux distribution like debian to facilitate maintenability and stability of os base.

The idea to to build minimal os base that integrate the need for network, storage, container need based on buildroot, then the rest of the system are done in container (like the trueos gui).

Is the same logic used by home asssitant os.

The communication beetween os base and management container (gui) are done by api (on home assistant os they use dbus).

On ha os they use also rauc to make more robuste os update over the air…

All of that permit to avoid custom installation of debian package, or os configuration that brake update of truenas scale… to have more robuste update…

No direct access of the base os, all are done in container… no more apt usage on base os…
But for the rest of user that use only the gui while be transparente…

What do you think about this idea @kris ?

also rauc: https://rauc.io/