Feature-Request: Threesome vs. Twosome Login Windows

When I was using CORE, I appreciated the login screen incorporating three fields: login, password, and 2FA, if fitted. In Scale 24.04.2 (aka Dragonfish), the 2FA is broken out into a second window after the the login / password is verified first.

Why the difference and why 2 windows when 1 will do? I presume that the SCALE solution allows the admin to isolate whether the login/password combination works separately from the 2FA passcode, but I liked the convenience of the single CORE window even better. With a password manager (and let’s face it, if you’re into 2FA, you will most likely have such a manager) the issue of mis-entering the password / 2FA code goes away.

In other words, I really would like the SCALE login to mimic the older CORE one.

What impact does this have to your user experience rather than just having a second window?

As an aside, it’s common practice for web-apps is to separate username/password and 2FA into two distinct windows.
e.g. Google

It’s become somewhat-common practice to separate them into three distinct windows, one for the username, one for the password, and a third for the 2FA code. I don’t understand what purpose that’s supposed to serve, but I wish it’d stop.


That’s true of even the example I provided and I’m so used to it I didn’t even notice xD

It’s simply a lot quicker if the password manager can fill out all fields in one go vs. having to use the password manager button three separate times, once for each field.

To me, implementing multiple windows when one will do is an example of the UI getting in the way vs. getting something done quicker.


I blame Google for starting this trend.

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What is the window setting in the documents for? Enabling 2FA section. Window set to 0 in examples

It refers to the validity window for 2fa passwords. Defaults to 0 so only the current password is valid, but can be set to allow one or more previous passwords to be valid.

2FA is just a poster child for this behaviour anyway.

Sure, but 2FA actually adds some security. What purpose does it serve to ask for the username and the password on two separate pages?


If you’re a nefarious attacker, the time between the two pages could make you reconsider and see the flaw in your evil ways.

If the username and password are presented on the same page, then it leaves no time for this crucial introspection.


*Enters username*

*Clicks Next*

What am I doing with my life?


I’ve read NIST SP800-63B carefully and I don’t see any reference to a “morality plea” factor.

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“You don’t want to sell me death sticks.”

“You want to go home and rethink your life.”


I’d argue that putting all three on one page would enhance security since the attacker would not be able to identify whether they got the password and user name correct before the 2Fa combination is assessed.

On the other hand, it also makes it more difficult to figure out if it’s the password or the 2FA that’s at fault if something goes wrong. 2FA is picky re: the clocks of the user cpu and that of the NAS, which is why I run several NTP200’s at home.

Still, on balance, the old core login window approach of having all three fields in one window is quicker and I don’t see a compelling reason why SCALE should be different, other than aping Google, which isn’t a good enough reason in itself.



I noticed this too. Once Google / Gmail started doing it, I noticed more services soon started to follow this method.

The justification was never clear.

What’s especially disturbing (which doesn’t apply to “local” services, like TrueNAS), is that this “separate pages” method will not only confirm that the username is correct, but in Google’s case, it will also reveal the “Name” associated with the username, without even attempting to login or enter any password.

Also gets annoying with auto-password managers.

Select username and authorize…




A common genuine reason for multiple screens is when you don’t know what the required factors will be. Some users may have different policies.

Hey, that could be a factor too! Correctly identify which additional factors are required!

Perhaps, but then the options should be tailored to what could be possible. Will the system ever not require both a username and password? If that will never be the case, then ask for both on the one login page. If it’s possible that some users might require 2FA and others not, putting 2FA on a separate screen would make sense.

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Hmmm I don’t really buy that argument. It’s easy enough to have all three fields in one window when 2FA is enabled and only 2 when it’s not. See CORE vs. SCALE.