Hi there comunity, i was a long time lurker. i start getting some parts years ago when this was Freenas, but life happens and i had to leave this forgotten in a closet.
This is the hardware i assambled.
Chasis: SuperChassis 743TQ-865B (right now im running a Tecens Radix 700W PSU 'cause the server is in my desk and supermicro PSU doesen’t shut off fans, never!!), but it wil eventually work on the PWS-865-PQ (Delta 80+ PSU).
SC743TQ-865B | 4U | Chassis | Products | Super Micro Computer, Inc.MB: Supermicro X11SSH-CTF
X11SSH-CTF | Motherboards | Products | SupermicroCPU: Intel Xeon E3 1270 v6
RAM: Timetec 71TT24EU2R8-16G DDR4 UDIMM ECC 2400 CL17
SO disk: Intel DC S3610 400Gb
APP disk: Crucial T500 1Tb
Pool Disks: 5x WDC WD80EZAZ-11TDBA0
SO: TrueNAS Scale
Rigth now i set up the system and is working and i have connectivity. Im running it tright now as test unit and learning the system. I was fighting with Truenas (Sorry to say that but im 100% windows user and every little thing i need to do requewires for hours of searching and leraning, a pretty step curve but will climb it).
This is how the basic network looks
I’ll tell you what i did and a few questions just to be sure im doing any fatal thing or something that will end in a catastrophic failure.
Right now i did a single stripped pool on the nvme SSD (run it standalone in flat language), which is supposed to run that way casue it will only hold apps. Is this wrong, is here important data stored? In case of failures here, it’s just replace and reinstall apps? My board comes with a single NVME port so mirroring this will require an aditional card and i dont have many pcie expansion slots avaible (1 x2 and 1 x4).
The board comes with an LSI SAS3008. I read a hundred times to flash it into IT mode (it can be done with TrueNAS??). Right now im not using it (dissabled in BIOS) cause it gets really hot even with nothing attached to it. Also it is supossed to be MiniSAS HD connector but i saw a bunch of different connectors that are supossed to be that. Can someone point me the real name?
Also related with the MB; Fan control, is driving me nuts!!!. BIOS is utterly simple, 4 profiles, but of rpm go below 600 they start to rampup every 30secs, so it forces me to run them at 100% to not throw it to the window. Can fan be managed on TrueNAS? The system comes with 4 5000 rpm SanACE 80 i wil not be using. Provisonally its working with a 120 for cpu and 140 noctuas for drives.
Plus with the board, Sideband and I2C. Im new to server hardware but hard drive backplane is not showing up state leds, im asumming this works throught this interfaces? (i downt know beacuse when i got the chassis it doesent have any HD attached) (was a display output server in a VideoWall). How i cand do this leds plus state alarms work?
Last thing related to hardware for now. WD80EZAZ are supossed to be HGST Deskstar Helium without TLER. I read varied things. I do need to activate TLER on them manullay (on every boot) or is TrueNAS managing this on its side? If so, how can i do it?
Coming back to TrueNAS. Im getting abysmal network perfomance in the oncetion with windows. I setup a SMB dataset and tested moving files back and forth, even to a ramdisk. No matter how they are not going past 100MBs, averaging 60-70MBs. I replaced all cables from UTP to STP, and fiddled with setting a hundred of times (dissabled overflow control, set jumbo packs and buffers to maximum and many other adjustments). In windows side i got a serrated crescent graph that tops at 1Gb/s.
But if i set an iperf3 server on windows and run test they usally are in the ballpark of 9.6-7Gb/s even i see 10+Gb/s ressults sometimes. How i can get this on windows. One of the reasons to make the server (apart of backups and reliability) is to move away all HD from my PC and only have SSD, and with 10Gb i can do this without loosing so much performance; is not the case.
How can i make this work at its full potential?
Also i want to centralize torrent download in the server. I think a mirrored disk for this is waste. How is the best way to set the disk configuration for this. Im thinking in purposing for this an old WD20EARS or even a 1-2Tb 2,5 drive i had here, Will using this slow disk degrade system performance?
I had many other thigs to ask for, but for now i will end here and continue asking google to not overload you.
PS:Sorry, english is not my native language, if anythig is now correctly explained or understandable, ask for it and i will gladly try to explain it better.
Thanks ppl, have a nice day!