i used to be able to have full control over my files, add, modity, delete. but since i reformat my computer and change the password for my main user i’m in read only for every file.
i’ve also noticed that there is still some left over in the permission for UID 1001 which was my main user in CORE, but since upgrading to SCALE 24.10.1, i’ve convert to use UID 3000 to follow the new standard.
even if my main user is not the owner of the file it should be able to have full control because of the group permission. “Parents” has full control on the file and folder, but even if my Primafy GID is “Parents” i’m in read only mode. i would like to fix the 1001 UID and convert it to 3000 for all the file and subfolder in my tank.
GPT is telling me to do that, but please a human sanitary check find /mnt/your-dataset -user 1001 -exec chown 3000:3000 {} \;
i would also like to fix my permission issue in general. i’m logged in as Keven in my share. screenshot below
You need to either change all the files to be owned by uid 3000 or change your new user to uid 1001.
Are you using ACL’s or just plain old Unix permissions?
Bravo for checking with us what the command does. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met on the forums that just run some random command they found on the internet and end up thrashing their data with a destructive command.
Let me break that command down for you. It is going to go through /mnt/your-dataset recursively through every file/dir and match any of them owned by user 1001 and then change the owner and group of those matched files to 3000. Sounds about right to me.
Are you using ACL's or just plain old Unix permissions?
i though it was showing in the screenshot, but it just ommit when it's ACL. it's ACL all the way up to "Bibliotheque". the only one that is not ACL is the root dataset "tank" showing in the screenshot as Unix Permissions.
Ah I see. In that case, that find chown command may not be enough. You have to use setfacl or you should also be able to do it from the GUI.
To do it from the GUI, select the dataset you want, scroll down to permissions on the right-hand side, click Edit button, setup the appropriate permissions you want, check “Apply permissions recursively” and save. Not that because you are applying this recursively, it may take a while, so be patient.
@Whattteva the ACL permissions are already set the way i want and recursively. like i said in the first post i used the user “Keven” to log in the SMB. “Keven”'s primary group is “Parents”. and you can see in the first screenshot that “Parents” have the full control. so why when using that user i would not be able to modify the file?
during the migration the GID was in fact different. when showing up in the ACL it showed the GID 1002? so i did remapped it to Parents whith the GUI’s ACL and applied it recurcively. and at that time it was working fine being able to modify files and delete also.when going in the property of 1 file in the screenshot it does resolve the permission and after being resolved is showing “Parents (TRUENAS\Parents)”