FTP Push errors (Scale to Synology)

Hello everyone, I am trying to mirror my Scale server to a Synology DS box (3rd redundant backup). After fiddling around with rsync and sftp without much success, I settled for FTP Sync in Push mode from Scale to Synology. At first glance, it seems to work (good performance, files seem to be there), however the log shows a lot of errors I do not understand. Any help is appreciated.


<3>ERROR : not deleting files as there were IO errors
<3>ERROR : not deleting directories as there were IO errors
<3>ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 374 errors and: march failed with 82 error(s): first error: list: dirExists: unsupported LIST line
Failed to sync with 374 errors: last error was: march failed with 82 error(s): first error: list: dirExists: unsupported LIST line


  1. Can I prevent FTP from trying to copy hidden files?
    .system/samba4/private/msg.sock/1337: Can’t transfer non file/directory

  2. dirExists / unsupported LIST line
    musicVault/Beethoven Alban Berg Quartet/Beethoven_ Complete String Quartets [Disc 1]: error reading destination directory: list: dirExists: unsupported LIST line

  3. update getinfo / unsupported LIST line
    localMirror/data/ShiVa/ShiVaProjects/shiva-brainslugs/Profiles/com.shiva.editor.default/com.shiva.editor.settings.desktops/desktop[2].xml: Failed to copy: update getinfo: unsupported LIST line

  4. failed to remove partial copy / unsupported LIST line
    localMirror/data/Philipp/Livestream-Konzert.mp4.yudajop3.partial: Failed to remove failed partial copy: unsupported LIST line

  5. prevent copying of the wastebin

Hello @broozar,
I’ve got the same issue.
Did you manage to solve it?

Unfortunately no. I got no reply here and did not find a solution myself.

I noticed a lot of “.partial” files on my target drive from all the unsuccessful attempts, which I just delete over ssh + find, so at least my target won’t fill up with useless data.

I’ve got the same .partial files.
I finally created a new config and change FTP for SFTP and now it works like a charm. Surprisingly the transfer rate is even better than FTP.

Then you had better luck than me. When I use SFTP, my transfer rate drops from above 70MB/s to just above 20MB/s and I still get errors.

I have managed to reduce the errors by renaming some of my files not to include spaces and some special characters. So one component seems to be badly escaped file names. Possible bug here?