FTP/SMB files loose timestamps when copied Truenas Scale 23.10.2

Hello all, new to TrueNAS and looking for some guidance. When I upload files from my phone (pictures) either using SMB or FTP the file creation / modified timestamps get updated to the date they were transferred. Is there a setting or a way to preserve files timestamps? I read some topics on the old community but there didn’t seem to be any discussion recently.

Thank you…

With which app on your phone?

I use AndFTP for FTP and Samsung My Files using SMB share.

I use Owlfiles (free) and FE File Explorer (paid), and they retain the modification datestamp for any files I transfer to my NAS and download from my NAS, via SMB. (I would assume the same for FTP, but I don’t use FTP.)

I believe they are available for both iPhones and Android phones.

The above apps (same developer) support multiple protocols, including SMB and FTP.

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Thank you for the suggestions. However, I just uploaded a file from my workstation to the TrueNAS via SMB share and it too lost the original timestamps.

There must be some setting that is not configured correctly. Not sure where to look.

Windows? Linux? Mac?

Just using the default file explorer?

What are your SMB share options?

Using Kubuntu 22.04 - Dolphin file manager with a mounted SMB file share. Not sure what SMB share options you are referring to? Where would I find that info?



Under the Shares page in the TrueNAS GUI. The place where you configured your SMB shares.

@winnielinnie I have to say, FE File Explorer is about the best app I use on an IOS device. I love that app. Connects to basically anything.

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