I am trying to setup FTPS on my TrueNAS scale Dragonfish-24.04.2
I followed the instructions here:
although I found it odd that it specifically specified it cannot be shared with SMB, yet in the picture given shows the “samba authentication” box checked. I tested with it both on and off.
I disabled SMB service. Enabled FTP service. Created my own internal certificate authority and certificate. created a new username called tal-ftp and gave it a home directory in a dataset. (that previously belonged to smb, but smb is disabled right now).
When I try to connect it keeps on saying wrong password. i tried gftp and filezilla. the latter of which prompted me to accept the self signed certificate, which I did.
I tried simplifying the username to talftp and the password to 123. (original password was randomly generated 128 digit long and full of symbols).
but it isn’t working. it still insists that the password is wrong.
Any idea what I am doing wrong and how to get FTP to actually work?