Give unifi root?

Hi, I’m trying to install the unifi app in a container to run my basic home network. App is getting stuck on ‘deploying’. In the logs, I’m getting permissions warnings and errors, and I’m not sure how to fix this. My googling isn’t very successful.

Any help greatly appreciated.


2024-05-30 09:30:21.884548-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,884] INFO - Entrypoint script version 1.1.3

2024-05-30 09:30:21.886379-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,886] INFO - Entrypoint functions version 1.1.0

2024-05-30 09:30:21.890807-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,890] WARN - Container/entrypoint not started as UID 0 (root)

2024-05-30 09:30:21.892618-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,892] WARN - Unable to change permissions or set custom GID/UID if configured

2024-05-30 09:30:21.896890-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,896] WARN - Process will be spawned with GID=999, UID=999

2024-05-30 09:30:21.898338-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,897] WARN - Depending on permissions requested command may not work

2024-05-30 09:30:21.900290-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,899] WARN - ======================================================================

2024-05-30 09:30:21.902072-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,901] WARN - One or more of: ‘DB_MONGO_LOCAL’, ‘DB_MONGO_URI’, ‘STATDB_MONGO_URI’, or ‘UNIFI_DB_NAME’ is unset.

2024-05-30 09:30:21.904168-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,903] WARN - In the future you should consider running UniFi on Docker with an external Mongo DB instance defined.

2024-05-30 09:30:21.905918-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,905] WARN - *** Please check the and examples at GitHub - goofball222/unifi: UniFi Docker Container ***

2024-05-30 09:30:21.907656-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,907] WARN - ======================================================================

2024-05-30 09:30:21.909145-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,908]

INFO - Checking setup for container

2024-05-30 09:30:21.910986-04:00[2024-05-30 09:30:21,910] INFO - ‘/usr/lib/unifi/data/’ doesn’t exist, copying from ‘/usr/lib/unifi/’

2024-05-30 09:30:21.913120-04:00cp: cannot create regular file ‘/usr/lib/unifi/data/’: Permission denied

Try setting this environment variable under “adiditonal environment variables” in the app config.

I haven’t actually used Unifi controller before so just a guess based on a github issue I’ve seen.

I deleted and re-installed and I’m no longer stuck on deploying.