Hard drive broken? How to exchange?

Sometimes I get this message in the console.
Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], 2 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors

Is my hard drive broken?
What should i do?

OS Version:TrueNAS-SCALE-

I Use TrueNas Scale is FreeNas not equal to Core?
Can you answere my question? Is my drive broken?

TrueNAS version makes no difference for reading SMART reports.
Launch a long SMART test (smartctl -t long /dev/sdb, and on all other drives as well), and read the results when it’s over (smartctl -a /dev/sdb).

But basically your drive is growing bad sectors. This is case for RMA if the drive is under warranty.

Do I have to replace them using the “replace” button or can I also shut down my system and simply remove the defective one and insert the new one?

Again for my understanding so that I don’t make a mistake. My English isn’t the best.
Switch the defective hard drive offline, replace it with a working one, then select the defective hard drive in the GUI and “replace” it with the new one using the button.

If you have a free SATA port, the best way is to plug in the new drive first, replace the defective drive with the new drive from the GUI, and then remove the old drive. ZFS will automacally offline the old drive when resilver is complete.

Not with the information you’ve provided; the steps in the troubleshooting guide apply to all versions of FreeNAS and TrueNAS.

I have now connected a new hard drive and “replaced” it. Then TrueNAS also re-silvered it. Unfortunately, my storage overview now looks like this. Is that normal? Should I remove the broken one? My new one is not shown there at all and I can still add it to a pool on the dashboard.

I have now connected a new hard drive and “replaced” it. Then TrueNAS also re-silvered it. Unfortunately, my storage overview now looks like this. Is that normal? Should I remove the broken one? My new one is not shown there at all and I can still add it to a pool on the dashboard.

Did you wait for the resilver to finish? The replacing stays there until it finishes.

Yes, 100%. What can I do now?

The New Disk was spinning and working. Now is the CPU load <1%

I plugged in the new one while the broken one was still installed. I then looked for the defects in the GUI and clicked on replace, then selected the working one. Then I waited.

Can you paste the output of zpool status pool

Where pool is your pool name, please :slight_smile:

I find the Problem, i try to change the broke with a smaller one. Sorry! My fault. Thank you much for your offer to help me. :slight_smile: