ive been looking everywhere tryed many compose files on the internet and none of them work right. either im looking in thew wrong place or…
Are you trying compose files which reference a .env file? If yes portainer has Problems with it. My compose files would fail on the portainer gui, but runs fine with plain compose up -d
Just getting treafik to work with other containers the best i got was it running but not able to see any other containers.
The apps you want to expose need to be in the same docker network, create e.g. a network called proxy and add all the container to that network. For some apps you have to add a label to specify which docker network traefik should use. I can post a sample compose file tomorrow how I did it, but it’s 23:46 right now and I’m laying in bed
get some sleep im in no rush
any updates??
i switched to nginx and got that to work
Still using a scale jail and probably will wait for 25.04 and incus support to switch my apps to an lxc