So, I have a “Samsung SSD 960 EVO 250GB” as my boot drive in one of my TrueNAS SCALE systems.
I’m not sure why, but after upgrading to scale it started reporting as being very hot… 70-80C.
I think actually it just started reporting
Anyway, I did some searching, and it turns out that this SSD is fairly famous for its controller running hot, and I also checked the datasheet, and it turns out that its operational temperature is not supposed to exceed 70C… and its supposed to have an integrated copper heat spreader label
And various threads talk about it throttling above 70C.
ANYWAY, I couldn’t get the SSD to run below 70C without cranking the fans in my little home nas to objectionable levels…
So I decided to purchase a heatsink for it
Just a small cheap one… only 3mm high
As part of installing it I found that the “copper heat spreader label” on the samsung appears to have been cost-downed, and now its just a label. Which probably explains why the flash chips don’t get hot, but the controller does…
ANYWAY2, with the heatsink installed, the controller now runs at 30-40C with the fans at their regular speed.
A happy ending, and shows just a little heatsink with minimal airflow is all it really takes, but also, heatsinks are important for modern M.2 drives… and with all the gamer grade motherboards coming with m.2 coolers, don’t be surprised that the manufacturers are no longer including thermal solutions.