Help! How can I move off TrueCharts for Electric Eel

Hi all! I invested time and containers into TrueCharts. I’ve been waiting for some sort of solution since they went haywire and screwed over all their existing users.

Is there a good way to take data out of my TrueCharts containers and move them to TrueNAS containers or regular Docker containers?

The reason I’m asking is I know Electric Eel has breaking changes. I don’t wanna upgrade if it’s going to mess up my old TrueCharts containers before I have a chance to move off that platform.

Plex container data

My biggest issue is with Plex. I have all this custom data in there, and I don’t wanna lose it. Tons of custom posters, fixed metadata, etc.

Is it possible to move that over to TrueNAS?

Tailscale machine data

Tailscale is another one. And I have the same issue at my parents’ house on their NAS. Is there a way to copy that data over, so I don’t have to reconfigure the machine IP and name?

TrueCharts published a migration guide a day or two before EE was released, perhaps that will be of assistance.

It’s probably available via their website, their Discord, or both.

Is this the post you’re talking about or is there a better one?

Isn’t that just a tool to allow you to migrate your Truecharts Helm apps to their new VM?

How much linux do you know? You have 2 options to get data out:

  1. User heavyscript to mount the truecharts app PVC then copy out the config/data to somewhere you have easy access (new dataset on your media pool?).
  2. Add extra hostpath mounts to each app (folder from media/storage pool?), shell into the app then copy the relevant data out.

First method, you’d stop the app, second would be with the app running for shell access.

For Plex:

/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server

You’ll also want to screenshot the app config in the Scale app UI as well.

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TrueCharts → Storage

That’s exactly the information I was looking for!

I heard about HeavyScript, but I hadn’t used it. It seemed daunting at first.

The other method was an idea I had as well, mount a Host Path and cp those files from inside the container’s shell.

Screenshotting the config

Screenshotting the app config is one thing I really do need to remember :stuck_out_tongue:.

Are these JSON files stored somewhere I could back them up or modify them or TrueNAS doesn’t give you access to those files on the boot-pool?


Running heavyscript took some time to figure out because I had to first install it and couldn’t figure out how to execute it.

It’s literally just typing heavyscript[ENTER]. It has a UI that guides you through the process of mounting the PVC.


That doesn’t work for Tailscale though as it has no PVC container.

At this point, I’m thinking it’s best to recreate that container fresh anyway. Hopefully nothing breaks (backups will break because IPs change).

It’d be way simpler if I could keep my existing data though.

Other apps

I copied out all PVC data for all apps to my Backups/Misc directory. That way, if anything happens, I can always refer back to it.

Storage → TrueNAS container

I haven’t yet figured out how to copy into the new Docker volumes, but my assumption is simply to mount those volumes and cp just like how I got data outta the PVCs.

I finally moved everything off and upgraded successfully! The only container that had issues was Tailscale which complained about having the wrong key or something? That means I need to be “on site” at my parents’ house when I upgrade theirs.

After all this work, I still can’t get my NVIDIA GPU working correctly in Plex :confused:.

That was indeed it.
I can’t comment on which method is better.