Help importing a pool from scale to core

Hello to everyone
My first post here. I’m one of those shy newbies who reads a lot before posting something due to my lack of knowledge but now I’m facing one of the worst nightmares…… my wife is gonna kill me if I don’t recover the data…
I have a supermicro system based in one X11ssl. I have been running Truenas scale for a couple of years with 5x4TB drives. My idea was gradually moving from 4TB to 8TB, at this point I have 3x4TB and 2x8TB drives
I decided that the app module is not what I want and the drives layout either. So I planed to move to Truenas Core virtualized with Proxmox and run another VM for the apps….
I moved all the data to one new pool called ‘datos’ in one of the 8TB drives before installing truenas core.
No I have proxmox and truenas core on top, but when I try to import the pool the list of pools is empty
Any help to move forward?
thanks jorge

So different versions of the product have different ZFS versions and different pool flags. Once a pool has been updated to a newer set of flags it is not longer compatible with prior versions.

Assuming the pool is still present on the disk
I would suggest returning to SCALE importing the pool, the looking at a different storage of the data during your system migration.

Also thought I’d highlight the following incase these options might help you get what you were looking for on scale:
big changes coming to apps this year, in the announcement,
another option is to use the sandboxes