[Help] SMB server with multiple NICs

I have set up a TrueNAS SCALE with 2 NICs on it. I would like to segregate clients SMB access between the 2 NICs.

Here is the BIND record of the IPs belongs to the machine:

truenas.lan.home.	IN	A
truenas2.lan.home.	IN	A

And the SMB share settings:

  • NetBIOS Name: truenas
  • NetBIOS Alias:
  • Workgroup: WORKGROUP
  • Description: TrueNAS Server

However, I discovered the clients always connect to the despite the file
/etc/fstab listed truenas2.lan.home or as the host such as following:

//truenas2.lan.home/foo /mnt/truenas/foo cifs rw,vers=3.0,auto,credentials=/root/.truenas_credentials,uid=1097,gid=1097,file_mode=0664,dir_mode=0775,noserverino 0 0
// /mnt/truenas/bar cifs rw,vers=3.0,auto,credentials=/root/.truenas_credentials,uid=1097,gid=1097,file_mode=0664,dir_mode=0775,noserverino 0 0

TrueNAS version: TrueNAS-SCALE-23.10.2

How to make clients connect to

Thank in advance!

You cannot have two NICs on the same subnet.

When mounting the share via the IP as in your second line it should work, however I guess since you have two NICs on the same subnet they introduced some problems.

Normally truenas should also complain when you try setting it up this way.

Where did you configure your local DNS entries (binds)?

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Oh, I didn’t know that.

I run bind9 on another local machine.

The IPs of the NICs are assigned by a DHCP server which reserved the IPs for the MAC of the NICs.

What is your goal on separating the IPs?

Maybe you want to look into LAGG

Thanks for your suggestion. I will look into it.