Building a Truenas setup and I have been reading up on the SMR/CMR drives. I have found these refurbished for $82/each and the seller is adding another 5 year warranty on them. Should I grab 2 of them?
I dont’s see them listed in the list I have,but the HUH721212ALE600 is on the list as CMR. I read that anything over 8TB is CMR anyways.
Here is a link to the WD datasheet. WD usually omits crucial details when they want to lie but this case / drive SKU is pretty clear cut.
The recording technology description “traditional perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) technology” in the linked spec sheet is aka CMR.
I have had very good experiences with these helium-filled drives, which I have mostly bought renewed with a 5-year warranty from The latest batch was $79 ea.