After upgrading to the new Scale Version: ElectricEel-24.10-BETA.1
only 2 of my 9 apps remained and all others were lost (Plex and Synchthing remained)
I reinstalled home assistant and while trying to re-add rtsp generic cameras, I was unable to communicate with the subnet of the cameras.
wired LAN: 172.18.0.x
wifi camera LAN: 172.21.0.x
I opened a console in the home assistant app and was able to ping external (from the LAN) sites and also the 172.18.0.x ip’s but not anything on the 172.21.0.x camera wifi LAN.
I solved this by adding a static route as follows under Trunas network static routes (this was not previously required):
and voila, is this a good and secure way to solve the issue?