Host Path Volumes or Volumes?

Hello, I’m making my first custom app on Truenas Scale Dragonfish- I’m planning to install louislam/uptime-kuma and in his documentation, I need to create a volume (docker volume create uptime-kuma).

Problem is I don’t know which storage to use on Truenas; Host Path Volumes or just Volumes? I don’t know what’s the difference between the 2 of them.

iXVolume creates the volume for you, but you can’t easily access the data stored inside it. Hostpath lets you map a manually created Dataset which lets you access the data. Create a Dataset, give the user uptime-kuma uses the correct permissions and use the path during the app setup.

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I don’t need to access the data inside it. I need storage so that when I turn off my app, he still had the data from the last session.

I usually lets Truenas manage the storage. Everything is in ix-applications, I would rather keep it the same way without having to manually add a dataset inside ix-applications.

That’s possible with both version, iXVolume will be deleted when the app gets deleted, hostpath is persistent even if the app gets deleted.

docker run -d --restart=always -p <YOUR_PORT>:3001 -v <YOUR_DIR OR VOLUME>:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1

So just make sure that the iX Volume or host path is mounted at /app/data in the container.

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