How are we supposed to know which release is the newer or recent ones?!?

Am not sure if this was thought about when setting up this download page but how are we supposed to know which release is more recent? no dates no nothing to identify what is newer and older

MODERATORS i can not post link of truenas download page and i cant attach images

is this CIA forum or something???

The bigger the number the more recent it is. is the current. 24.10 is the next release. Download TrueNAS SCALE - Data Storage Software

use this:

that is spook proof :laughing:

Post is part feedback also

SUre i can go to download current stable that presents me with the current version but that download page shoul dhave date included to see which versions are newer and older


Not that I disagree with you but, that is more of a internal service page than a default download.


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Every release starts with a specific letter from the alphabet a,b,c,d,e etc, the later the letter comes in the alphabet, the newer the release. In addition to the codenames the version number also shows release year and month 24.04 released in April of 24, 23.10 released in October of 23

If you want to know where the different versions are with respect to development or stability, use this link. All you need to know is the type of User you are. Most people would in the General category, but there is an explanation of each category as well.

Consult a marine biologist if you really want to know which version to install.

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Um, bigger numbers are newer releases? This can’t be difficult, can it?

Or, if you’re wanting to use the page you link to–which isn’t the main public-facing download page–the releases have alphabetic code names. A, B, C, D, etc.

So what? I mean, yeah, dates would also address this, but I really don’t see the issue.