Just curious. You don’t have to answer, but it would be fun to know.
My name is Victor
Just curious. You don’t have to answer, but it would be fun to know.
My name is Victor
My name is Constantin. Who knew?
Sadly missing from my TrueNAS name profile, however, is my suffix “TrueNAS dilettante”. Maybe one of the TrueNAS demi-gods can help me out?
…back in 2005, in a hot summer evening, looking at the sun, I learned that it hurts. Aside from that I decided on the username as I was a romantic in regards to knowledge and argumentum was my … root to the etymology of the word that in itself declares how to argue a point.
So yes, don’t stay too long under the sun as you may come to take actions that will remain with you for a long time. If, not longer !
And use sunscreen.
It’s like the first Rambo movie, if the title character was a weed-smoking frat bro instead of a Vietnam war vet. I don’t know. I have a weird sense of humor.
It is what I eat.
Because it’s a requirement to create an account on these forums.
I used to be a student majoring in mathematics. Sir Issac Newton is my idol and I want to be a small-size Newton
Joe Schmuckatelli is the fall guy for whatever goes wrong. If I drop a stink bomb as work, joe did it. If I broke something, well Joe did it as he’s such a schmuck.
Le problème avec l’anglais écrit … pardonnez mon français.
…motion to change the title to How did…
Motion passed.
Nooooooo! My “thug life” moment has been ruined!
Without risking too much information, I’ll say my username is a combination of an animal character from a children’s book series and TV show, which has evolved into its current form after five iterations of evolution: “Winnielinnie”
I was reading an ebook about ZFS and stumbled upon the “copies” dataset property. Later that day someone had the audacity to question how awesome the feature is.
Last part of the pen name I used to write a few chronicles in a fanzine a long time ago:
Vert Singe Etorix
Well, mine is pretty descriptive. Intentionally stayed away for ages from anything that might require typing in spells and incantations to make it work. Only dipped my toe in the waters this summer and I liked it.
I used to run. usernames were limited to 8 characters. I no longer run but just still use it.
Viz comics were pretty big in the UK in the 80s and Johnny was my personal favourite.
Mine is my initials plain and simple. Preferred account name everywhere, if taken, I try “pmhausen” next.
A bit more of a story is behind my social media name: Sweordbora. That’s swordsman in Old English.
Because I train and teach japanese sword and I like Tolkien and germanic languages and myths and stuff
i have the same username from the time animals could still talk. It is as simple as the first character of my first name, followed by my entire last name and the number 1 indicated first configured user with that UID. There is a story behind it though: when i was working in the automotive sector at a Tier1 supplier for Ford, we obtained external access to some of the Ford IT applications with acronyms such as VMACS (Vehicle Movement and Avanced Communications System) and WERS (Worldwide Engineering Release System - at some point in the largest database in the world). Ford had provided us with user ID’s for access and mine was ddaenen1@ford.com. From that point on, it just stuck.
From the highlander series. Sadly had to use to many 1’s