I need to know details of the hardware that my TrueNAS Scale is running on. From the shell I run lshw and dmidecode but they are not installed. I try to install it with apt but get the warning about only using the web interface. I have searched the web interface for this information but cannot find it. My last resource is to shutdown the macine and get my screwdriver out. Is there a better way?
Thanks for any advice.
You get something (CPU + RAM) from the WebUI and the drives from smartctl, iirc the HBA can also be obtained; most of us just remember what they used when assembling the server.
You can always spun up a Sandboxes (Jail-like Containers) | TrueNAS Documentation Hub, but opening up the server and looking at the motherboard’s model is likely less time consuming.
You could try a temporary boot from a live-CD of Ubuntu on a flash drive and run whatever utilities you like to get details of the hardware.
Hey @charlespope
is not installed (there’s a Feature Request you can upvote if you’re interested in this) but dmidecode
is present - you’ll just need to elevate with sudo
in order to run it.
, which is present, can list models I believe