How Screwed am I? (pool offline, please help)

My array has been having issues for some time (over a year) now with drives becoming unavailable and errors but the drives are all good when I do tests in windows so I’ve been reading them to the array

current system is

  • 2 vdevs of 10x WD red pro 20TB in raid-z2
  • lsi 9305-24i HBA
  • AMD Epic 7443P
  • ASRock ROMED8-2T motherboard
  • 512GB ECC Ram
  • Silverstone RM43-320-RS case

I’ve tried another 9305 HBA, sas cables, cases (i switched from norco 4224), re-setting the cpu. but this problem keeps prosisting

Hell broke loose yesterday

the pool went offline, restarts haven’t restored it.

As you can see from the image 2* drives are offline and 1 was in the process of replacing itself. 8 out of 10 drives still should be able to continue with a raid-z2 vdev but when i go to import the pool it doesnt give me the option in the gui so I tried using

zpool import

in the shell but i get the following error

How screwed am I? What can I do to recover my data? (of course no backups)

Why did you wait that long before replacing a disk, let alone investigating further?

You can override it with the -f flag. But first, do you have a working backup? Never mind. Just saw that. :flushed:

Why do people wait until the worst possible scenario to happen before doing proper backups…

And for 1 year having issues, well this may be a tough lesson learned for you…

/end grumpy old IT guy rant :smiley:

No backups, no problems, what could possibly go wrong :slight_smile:

As soon as you saw a disk drop out and become unavailable you should have investigated exactly what the root cause is. These things don’t happen by magic, and leaving it (for a year???) will greatly increase your chances of having the exact issue you’re having now.

What you might want to do is import the pool as readonly zpool import -f -o readonly=on -R /mnt and pray that you can access some recoverable data.

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It sounds to me like the OP has valiantly tried to figure out what the issue is over the last year.

It also seems like the pool should import successfully if forced.


I definitely don’t want to invalidate his troubleshooting, it’s all perfectly reasonable to do if you believe the disks are sound, am just a little shocked the disks weren’t replaced for over a year after multiple issues, I’d have been freaking out from day one!

Taking another look at the screenshot again yeah it does look like it should import if forced as there are two disk failures, so data should be intact. Genuinely hoping there’s a recovery out of this, and hopefully a lesson learned (r.e. backups).

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Over the course of the year I have replaced every single compnet in the syustem, i’ve tryed 2 differnt HBA’s new sas cables, new case (backplanes) fresh truenas install, new cpu platform, I did have the same issue with 8TB drives so upgraded to 20TB drives, I have ran out of things to replace.

Yes I know I should have had backups but I hadn’t got to the root of the problem with all the “old” parts so once I had I was going to use them to make a backup system
It is hard to backup when you have so much

1 is none and 2 is 1

@essinghigh I’ll give that a go

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How are you cooling the HBA?

(Btw I have a Norco 4224 :wink: )

yes I have a 80mm noctura fan pointed directly at it

I also had been using Norco 4224 but in my troubleshooting I have heard of some people haveing issue with the backplane so I bought a silverstone rm43-320 to try and fix the issue but it didn’t

Fair enough. The backplane issues were gen1 iirc. It’s ancient history to look it up, but I bought mine circa 2016, and it didn’t have the issue.

Anyway, maybe when you’ve solved this issue, try another thread to try to get to the bottom once and for all.

There’s no standout reason you should be seeing issues afaict

I issued the command as you stated
I can see the datasets but i cant see the pool on the storage page

When I go to create a share toget the data off i get the following error.

[EINVAL] sharingsmb_create.path_local: The path must reside within a pool mount point

Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/”, line 198, in call_method
result = await self.middleware.call_with_audit(message[‘method’], serviceobj, methodobj, params, self)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/”, line 1466, in call_with_audit
result = await self._call(method, serviceobj, methodobj, params, app=app,
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/”, line 1417, in _call
return await methodobj(*prepared_call.args)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/service/”, line 179, in create
return await self.middleware._call(
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/”, line 1417, in _call
return await methodobj(*prepared_call.args)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/service/”, line 210, in nf
rv = await func(*args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/schema/”, line 47, in nf
res = await f(*args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/schema/”, line 187, in nf
return await func(*args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/plugins/”, line 1022, in do_create
File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/middlewared/”, line 70, in check
raise self
middlewared.service_exception.ValidationErrors: [EINVAL] sharingsmb_create.path_local: The path must reside within a pool mount point

Only 8TB of the 120TB used is what I need to get off as it can’t be replaced

Did you include the -R /mnt portion in your import command?

Once successfully imported. Export again. Then try importing via ui.

yes I copyed the command exactly. I did add the pool name at the end

what command do i use to export the array as its not showing up in the gui

zpool export pool_name

Then import it again in the GUI

Pools → Add, import existing


Thanks, So far its taking a long time to import via ui.
the gui doesnt have an option for read-only, realy hope that doesn’t bite me in the butt

Are you using TrueCharts?

I Was. but I have been using host parth as Tom Lawrence suggested

The monitor attached to the server