One of my applications failed to migrate and I’m wanting to re-run the migration but i’m not sure how to do that. Any help is appreciated thanks!
In the event of a migration failure, configuration data for applications that do not automatically migrate is retained in the ixapplications dataset. You can re-initiate migration of previously-installed Kubernetes apps to Docker at any time after upgrading to Electric Eel. From a shell session enter
midclt call -job k8s_to_docker.migrate poolname
, where poolname is the name of the applications pool.
Thank you very much. This is super helpful
Works for me. Thank you a lot!
Simply re-migrating is not working for me. I get an error indicating that an environment variable (PAPERLESS_TIKA_ENABLED) is already defined by the developer. I see there is now a checkbox in the current app deployment config for TIKA enablement whereas I needed an environment variable specified in the config before the Electric Eel migration.
Is there a way for me to modify the old config to remove the problematic environment variable? If so, I suspect that the migrate will then work. However, from the progress messages displayed in the migration script, it seems that the configuration it uses come from a snapshot.