I’ve made a few jails now, installed a pkg program according to directions, and the service simply refuses to run. I’ve Googled high and low, but I can’t seem to find a way to troubleshoot this. service x start doesn’t produce any error, but the service doesn’t run. I’ve checked /var/log/auth.log, messages, anything that looks useful…no errors. So how do I troubleshoot why a service fails to start with no obvious error message? Specifically, this relates to sonarr and prowlarr recently but the issue is reoccurring. Thanks!
Version of TrueNAS Core?
Version of FreeBSD the jail is based?
Which application?
How did you install? pkg? ports?
TrueNAS Core 13 U6.2
FreeBSD 13.3 p5
Most recently I was looking to play around with Sonarr and Prowlarr, both jails doing the same thing after following all instructions (which is basically just installing the pkg- no further config mentioned in the tutorials).
pkg installs
I’ve actually had more success installing the much more complicated NextCloud with Apache and PHP etc. So I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my system or anything. My question more relates to nix and FreeBSD systems generally. When a service just won’t run and doesn’t generate errors, how do I troubleshoot? Service -v just results in "service is located in /usr/…"etc.)
Update to 13.3 as soon as you can. 13.0 has issues trying to run 13.3 jails.
I am on the 13.3-p5 release.
@victor is referring to the version of Core, not of the FreeBSD jail.
Good call; I didn’t even realize there was an update, the GUI told me there wasn’t. Services are now running at least!