How to use footnotes in this forum

Discourse includes the ability to put footnotes in your posts, which can be helpful when you want to refer to something without including it in the text of your post. Here’s how you can use them yourself–I’ll first show what you’d type, and then how it would appear in your post:

This is some text with a numbered footnote[^1].

[^1]: This is the source for that text.

You can also use names for your footnotes, rather than numbers[^name].

[^name]: See

Or include the footnote itself after the text ^[Like this]

…and here’s how that would look in your post:

This is some text with a numbered footnote[1].

You can also use names for your footnotes, rather than numbers[2].

Or include the footnote itself after the text [3]

  1. This is the source for that text. ↩︎

  2. See Discourse Footnote - plugin - Discourse Meta ↩︎

  3. Like this ↩︎


Thanks for another orientation-helpful post!

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