Http_proxy for scale apps

Hi, we are trialing truenas scale in our organisation however have run into an issue regarding connectivity.

Apps are unable to pull in images as they’re not going via the proxy set in the network settings. Truenas is able to look for updates without issue.

I’ve tried to set the environment variables for http_proxy and https_proxy but they don’t see to persist.

Is there a way to have the apps service use the http_proxy? Seems a like a bit of an oversight if not

Which version are you testing?

Currently running ElectricEel-24.10.0 though this was happening on 24.04.2 as well

Docker proxy settings need to be configured in the docker json.

This pretty much means this is either a feature request, or a bug report, depending on your perspective.

I think it does make sense that if you configure an http proxy on the TrueNAS instance, then it should be used for docker downloads too.

The alternative is to write a pre-init script or something to modify the docker.json file at startup.

Thanks! this seems to have resolved it, though the change doesn’t persist between reboots so as you mentioned a pre-init script would be necessary.

This should absolutely be set with the http proxy setting, or at least by an option in the apps service setting. Not sure the best way to report that

Either file a bug report (smiley face at top right of ui), or a feature request on this forum

Using a systemd unit file seems to work for me on ElectricEel-24.10.1
