Hugo 7.4.5 Resource

This resource was originally created by user: Daisuke on the TrueNAS Community Forums Archive. Please DM this account or comment in this thread to claim it.

This is version 7.4.5 of the Western Digital HUGO utility, used for performing low-level maintenance on compatible disk drives, such as conversion to 4K native sectoring.

The indicated file date is January 2021, included is the accompanying manual.

Software comes with its own license agreement, it is strongly recommended to contact Western Digital and provide your hard drive serial number, to make sure you obtain a compatible low-level maintenance tool. Using the wrong tool could permanently brick your device. Install and usage instructions are provided into PDF document, created by Western Digital.

Related Discussion Threads


  • HUGO_Users_Guide-7.4.5.pdf
  • HUGO-7.4.5.freebsd.tar.gz
  • HUGO-7.4.5.win64.exe
  • HUGO-7.4.5.x86_64.deb
  • HUGO-7.4.5.x86_64.tar.gz

Debian Bullseye
Enable apt and dpkg:


sudo chmod 0755 /usr/bin/apt* /usr/bin/dpkg

Download and extract the package:


curl -JLO unzip ./

Install dependencies:


sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev

Install Hugo:


sudo dpkg -i ./hugo/v7.4.5/HUGO-7.4.5.x86_64.deb

Disable apt and dpkg, then remove downloaded files:


sudo chmod 0644 /usr/bin/apt* /usr/bin/dpkg rm -rf ./hugo*

Enable apt and dpkg:


sudo chmod 0755 /usr/bin/apt* /usr/bin/dpkg

Uninstall Hugo:


sudo dpkg -r hugo

Uninstall dependencies:


sudo apt -y remove libncurses5 libncurses5-dev sudo apt autoremove

Disable apt and dpkg:


sudo chmod 0644 /usr/bin/apt* /usr/bin/dpkg

1 Like

thank you for the work

The download does not seem to exit anymore. Are their updated instructions anywhere. Have a drive. Tried to sg_format --format --size=512 /dev/sdX now getting the error mode sense(10): Device not ready.

Read that this could help us format the disk and get it back online.

indeed, that link seems broken as a result of the forums transition.

these instructions to +x apt and dpkg also no longer apply to scale, given root is now a read only filesystem.

AFAIK you will need to enable developer mode on your system to use apt because of the so called “appliance” focus… which just makes needing to use a simple one-use diagnostic or vendor tool hugely inconvenient.