I thought that my followers ( in all my vast media platforms ) kept chronological notes of my …adventures
I have 8 physical PC, well 6, …2 are unplugged.
In regards to the Proxmox box with TrueNAS, I chose CORE because SCALE did not behave well under “what are you doing, don’t do that” like unplugging HDDs and re-plugging them live. Loose power ( by pulling the plug ).
I have 2 proxmox boxes but just one with TrueNAS.
I usually run M$ everything and like Hyper-V. I can in Hyper-V copy the folder holding a VM to another PC, import in place and keep running.
The memory needs are quite efficient too. Then again all I run are M$ VMs and is all well integrated.
M$ been … M$, one can never know if a new bug/virus/gofigure, comes up and destroys everything. Also their “RAID” stuff, speed wise sucks. Then again the bug/virus/gofigure aspect makes it unreliable.
Where can I put my files and trust it’ll be there, uncorrupted, until the end of time ?, simple: TrueNAS. I have files since the 90’s ( and yes, am a data hoarder. I’ll have to share that with a shrink )
The question is what can you trust to be boring for ever ? Not a clue, hence “backup, backup, backup”.
In my case, what am looking for is a system that I can “eat my cake and have it too”.
What that setup looks like, I still don’t know.
Ideally would run VMs as if it was on BareMetal without having to ever touch a command line.
Ok, let’s recap. Yes am running Proxmox with a TrueNAS VM. No, I don’t trust it. The TrueNAS that I trust are those running on BareMetal.
If I ever find a way to run all I care, without having to also be the Admin, I’ll make a post. But is unlikely that I’ll ever find it.
PS: I would not virtualize Proxmox inside TrueNAS. Makes little to no sense once you find your way around TrueNAS.