Hey all,
I am looking to move to virtualizing TrueNAS Scale with Proxmox on my home server but have run in to a bit of a snag as I do some planning on how to do it with minimal downtime.
Currently my mirrored boot SSDs and the mirrored SSDs that hold all my applications are hooked in to my HBA (a recent change, they both were on the internal SATA controller prior to a month ago) and I realized that the ssds that holds my applications does not support Read Zero After Trim, which is essential for TRIM to work on my LSI SAS 3008/9300-8i. I obviously want to avoid any issue with virtualization so I am planning to pass through all my ZFS pools to the truenas VM. However, doing so with my current setup would mean no TRIM which is obviously not a great idea.
So my question is, can I use some sort of imaging software to just clone the VM disk to the new one without ZFS being angry at me? I would think so, it doesn’t appear that ZFS ties anything to the hardware of the disk itself in regards to determining the pool but I am not an expert so I wanted to make sure before trying it out.
One other thing. I am planning to run Proxmox and the VMs off of a pair of mirrored disks, I cant imagine it will be a problem for ZFS to run tasks on the virtualized boot disk but couldn’t find an answer when I looked and figure I would ask everything in one shot.
Thanks in advance!